Prophesy, Dreams and Visions

Joel 2:28 (KJ) I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

The prophesy, dreams and visions listed here are those given directly to myself unless otherwise stated. If you have anything you would like to discuss or share concerning any of these postings then please email me at I will be happy to hear from you.

All of the titles listed below are also posted on my blogspot site at: The blog site will allow you to see what others have commented on and enable you to join in discussion.


Thank You.   Theo Elsey 

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16/10/24   - A word for Church leaders in America

God is expectant of a new US President to be a righteous leader like King Hezekiah.

The following word is addressed in particular to the church leaders in America to remain vigilant and steadfast from demonic attacks in the approach to the election of a new US president 

America, my beloved, oh how prodigal and proud you are, having wandered far away from the values under which your nation was founded. And yet, there is a precious core within you, a remnant root nourished in righteousness that I have been nurturing for a time such as this, arise my people and be bold!

You are so close now to the election of your new President but be aware of the forces of evil that surround you. This is a warning from your heavenly Father to pray unceasingly, not only for your presidential candidates but for the Pastors, Apostles, Prophets and TV Evangelists of the Mega Churches. The enemy has launched a demonic task force assigned to each and every leader of the churches with the greatest number of members, those who attend in their thousands. If the devil can get to the pastors of these churches then he can easily infiltrate the whole flock with a spirit of deceit, division and destruction. Yes, the big-name Christian celebrities are the main catch that the enemy wants, his workers of iniquity have been sent on a mission to completely corrupt their minds, soul and spirit. Rise up my children, intercede in prayer today against this oncoming onslaught of evil from the very pit of hell.

This next presidency will look for and seek counsel from church leaders, and as of the way of the world, they will approach those who have the greatest following. These will be the prominent leaders from the same mega churches but how fit will they be to advise and give counsel? Continue most diligently my faithful servants to pray, let your cry be heard across the heavens so that the false prophets and teachers will fall away. And those who remain will be the righteous, blameless and trustworthy leaders in my church who will speak out the truth of my word to your elected president. Pray now that the enemy will not succeed in placing any false leaders from my church into the counsel of your next incoming president.

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Today I received 3 visions all of which are fast forwarded to around 2030. Some of these are visions for the good and others are to be weary and watchful over as the intent of the enemy is secretly at work, please intercede in prayer over all I share with you today. Thank you.

Vision 1 -  Church of England Splits.

In this, the first of the 3 visions I saw a completely divided church of England. One entity endeavours to be pure and undefiled, adhering to all biblical teaching, the other will desire to be completely subservient to the state. The later will be completely content with the rituals, splendour and pageant of a ceremonial church, similar to what we have witnessed in the recent Coronation of King Charles III. In the vision I could not see whether a Royal was presiding over this state church or whether it was completely controlled by the Government. This brings into question whether we will still have a monarchy in a decades time. The sadness is we don't have to wait all those years ahead to see where the Church of England is going, it is beginning to happen right now.

There is a worldwide movement for Anglican churches in all countries to participate in voting over essential church issues. The Global Anglican Fellowship (GAF) hold frequent meetings and this year after talks at Kigali in Rwanda, a landmark majority came out in favour of condemning the blessings in marriage of same sex couples. This has created such a stir with GAF members who feel that a divorce with the C of E is inevitable due to their pro LGBT stance. Feelings about this are running so high that GAF members against this liberal progression within the Church of England are now refusing to share with C of E Bishops at the communion table.

My concern is that GAF will tar with the same brush all Anglicans within the C of E. In actual fact there is a strong number within the C of E who are also against the decisions of bishops for advancement in favour of gay/same sex marriages, they too long for a purer church.

Please join me in prayer that the Church of England really looks into itself deeply, taking time to reflect spiritually without interference of church politics getting in the way. I pray that those bishops who have put pride before God's purpose, that they bend in repentance, and I pray that the C of E will move towards restoration and unity. The richness of God's blessing over the centuries for the Church of England should carry over intact for today's generation, I do so hope that restoration will happen and the vision of a split church I received is taken as a warning, that through prayer a split can be averted.

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Vision 2 - Global Conservation 

Christian Activists and Scientists to take a Lead Role in all Environmental Matters

In my second vision I saw a strong and growing emergence of Christians who from 2030 onwards will lead in bringing in new innovation helping towards preserving everything here on God's earth. Climate change and net zero carbon target dates are becoming hot subjects with our younger generation who care a lot more about what happens to this planet than many Christians. There is an opinion and teaching within some churches that we don't have to worry about these things, that God's in control of nature and the adverse weather systems. When the extremity of these conditions cause disaster and human misery then these same voices say that it must be God's judgement on mankind. Another more scientifically based argument suggests that if the human race did not exist, and therefore man-made pollution was non existent, then this planet would still be going through it's present cycle of climate change.

For myself, when I turn to the bible I see many examples of how we should be good custodians of everything here on the earth that God has given us, we should strive to preserve and conserve, not to exploit and destroy. Those are my own thoughts but let's continue with the vision. . . . .

I saw a stumbling block where the science of man came to a stand still, progress was slow and the threat of a seemingly dying world was ever present, and then, a younger generation of scientists, children of God sought to pray for a breakthrough. With fresh, heavenly inspiration, one by one all problems were solved. An awareness of an involvement not by man alone but of God fell among the community of research scientists. Many recognised that the impossible made possible was an act of God and believed in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

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Vision 3 - State Control over Charities

This last vision concerns the regulatory bodies that validate the running of registered Charities also known as 'Not for Profit' organisations. The Charity Commission for England and Wales is one such organisation of which I have had personal experience during my time as a trustee for a charity 20 years ago. To date I have always respected the work of the Charity Commission, an organisation originally set up on strong Christian principals but, sadly today, some of those principals are eroding away. The picture for the coming years ahead concerns not just a mere dilution of the original principles but one that is far more sinister. In the vision I glimpsed and saw new rules up held by law that would enable the regulatory body for charities to have increased powers in prosecuting their members for breaking rules. This, for Christian charities could amount to state persecution against our faith. Why? Because the rules of how we should be able to run our charities will be so severe that we would no longer be able to share the name of Jesus without very serious consequences. In the dark sinister part of this vision I could see huge financial penalties imposed on Christian groups "Breaking the Rules", that regulatory bodies would be able to easily sue Christians in court.

The looting of charity donations to add to the already disgustingly rich Luciferian money pot, is of course, all part of the Luciferians plan to fully bring about the NWO they so eagerly desire. Do not be afraid of anything you hear about the NWO, is our God not greater than he who is in the world! Please pray that this evil intent never comes about, that the plans of the enemy are thwarted.

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King Charles III, The Monarch who will betray the Heritage of a Christian Britain?

On the morning of 6th of May I was hoping to stay at home to watch the Coronation of King Charles the III, instead I was obliged to take my 8 year old son to play at a football match! I found it hard to believe how the match had not been called off, this after all was a historic, once in a life time event about to happen. I overcame my slight grudge as my son's enthusiasm for football won me over and besides, all I had to do was to take my mobile phone, I could easily watch the whole ceremony live from the side line of the pitch. One of the other parents came over to me and asked what I was watching, when I told them that it was the Kings coronation they said "Oh that, are you a royalist then?", I replied by saying that I was neither a royalist or anarchist, that I was neutral. I knew what I wanted to do then, I needed to step back from the others and so I walked across the field away from the pitch to where I could pray out loud as the coronation continued.

I watched as the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak took to the pulpit and read from Colossians 1: 9-17. A well chosen scripture full of gospel truth, verses 14 and 15 proclaiming the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ by His blood at the cross. However, there's one verse that no doubt the church considered to be of great importance for the coronation, Col 1:16 For by Him all things were created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by Him, and for Him. I listened to the word and prayed with increasing fervour as I was aware this address was given by a man of another faith, the Hindu faith. I felt and continue to feel that this was a blatant blasphemy before God, the blame not being on P.M. Rishi Sunak himself but on the bishops in the church who decided it was right because He was the Prime Minister. This was such a bad decision as it attempted to elevate the will of man above that of God, it would have been better off by far if someone ordinary, untitled but a true follower of Jesus had been pulled in from the street outside the Abbey to read this precious text.

The very next alert that got my spiritual hackles up was when The Bible was handed to Charles and the oath that he made. It is well known, that Charles embraces many faiths and sees the bible as just one book of wisdom, that means his verbal response in agreeing to uphold the word of God cannot be a sincere declaration. The day after the Coronation the Lord began to speak to me concerning our new King, this is the word that came to me: 

A Warning to King Charles and the Royal Household

There has been a transference of power Charles, from your late mother Queen Elizabeth to yourself, you now have the keys of monarchy as the sworn in King for the whole of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth countries. I, the Lord am grieving, for you fail to honour my name, I have seen your heart, you are more content to embrace many other faiths and other gods, that you cannot accept me as the one and only Father God who created you. Britain and the commonwealth territories are mine says the Lord and I desire these lands to be righteous and honouring of Me. Good strong, honest leadership from a righteous King is what I desire. Then the people of all your lands will follow by example and all nations will be healed, as once more the quest and mantle of mission is restored, making your nations a spearhead for fulfilling the great commission. In all of this there is a warning: turn back and fulfil all that I have asked, then you I will preserve. Go your own way, then I will strip and demolish the Monarchy. I would then pass all your powers to the remnant of true believers, those who know that they have been miraculously saved through the blood of My Son Jesus Christ. These are the ones I would consider to be worthy. Should you fail me, I will call from a chosen few to form a new Britain - The Republic of Great Britain. The days of a Royal realm would be over . . . which way will you choose Charles? 



2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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A further Vision concerning King Charles given on 26/06/23

I woke early this morning and had a flashback vision to the Coronation of King Charles and his receiving of the Holy Bible at Westminster Abbey. I saw a picture of what most of the world saw from the TV images broadcasted from Westminster Abbey, and that was the hand of Charles laid upon the bible as he spoke out his oath. In my vision to my shock I saw more, something hidden, right there underneath the the bible lay a golden handled dagger, encrusted with jewels and gem stones. This was a weapon but disguised and marginalised to look like it was all part of the ceremonial proceedings. The splendour of a highly decorative handle identified it as linked to both the High State Church and the Monarchy. I knew that it's appearance could not be trusted and that this was not just for show but a deadly weapon. Alerted, I immediately prayed against any intended persecution against the true Spirit filled church of believers here in Britain. One hour on the vision came back a second time, I saw the same bible being passed to Charles but this time I saw more. Projecting forth in a radial fashion from all around the bible there were long, fine strands of light, like rays of sunshine although these were more like needles of light. There were a multitude of sun rays, too many to count and then I realised that the source of these were coming from the core of the bible. It would be truthful to say that they were more than sun rays, more like Son Rays, the source being Jesus himself. Then not forgetting there was still a dagger involved I first saw the priest go halfway around the bible cutting these rays of light with the dagger, cutting as close to the edge of the bible as possible so that no one would know that they had been there, it was like a pruning back. Once half way around the priest handed the dagger to Charles who completed the action from his side of the bible.

Oh church, please pray that both Charles and the authoritive Anglican church do not fall into Satan's snare, Charles has already been warned and I sense in my spirit that he is rejecting any wrong doing on his part. Unless there is repentance then there is real danger that both He and the high office of established church could really present a threat to the true church of Christ, their acts could amount to treachery and treason against the will of God.

Here we have another warning, this time for the remnant, pure church who would be severely afflicted if not prepared. Do not underestimate the oppression of God's word that is planned by the forces of evil. The State Church and Monarchy are in a position where they could so easily exercise powers of suppression.

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A Given Word on Redistribution of World Wealth 11/12/22

A few days ago whilst driving to work I listened to a news bulletin on the radio. Two news items ran side by side, the first on the net worth of a world famous footballer and secondly the pay dispute that is likely to result in strike action concerning UK nurses and ambulance crews.

The professional footballers pay package with a Saudi Arabian team is unbelievable. How can anyone be justified to earn so many thousands of pounds every minute of their working day? A salary of £200 million per year is excessive to say the least. In contrast the unions negotiating on behalf of NHS workers are presently in talks with the Government to improve the pay of emergency paramedics, ambulance drivers and nurses upwards of a mere 4.5 percent. How cruel and unfair this is, it is a drop in the ocean compared to what these life saving professionals should be getting.

I felt anger when I heard these two news stories and had to turn to prayer. In an instant I heard the Lords voice as He answered my heart felt plea for justice:

Remember what I have shown you in the past few months, a word on levelling up, with the first shoots from the seed of prayer breaking ground, that's right breaking ground that has been evenly prepared. From now on it's not only the privileged sports celebrities who will have an even playing field set before them but all you other workers who tirelessly work in other fields, that for you too, you will see an increase as the worth of your work is reviewed and rewarded. Furthermore, I AM both the cornerstone and capstone. As a cornerstone I AM the foundation for all who believe, hope and trust in my name, I AM there to support and uphold the downtrodden, despised, impoverished and neglected. Secondly, as The Capstone, nothing will rise above Me says the Lord. I WILL CAP the wealth of the wealthy and I will cap the capital of the capitalists. The hoards that they hide away will be exposed, the doors of the vaults will be flung wide open and the wealth will be redistributed. This is the time for reckoning, I The Lord have judged and I will bring justice about. Look around it is already happening and it will continue to happen with gathering momentum, institutions, banks and other wealthy individuals are all to be held to account. These coming years will be glorious years of seeing the poor who will seek me to rise up and to be poor no more.

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