27/08/23 Update on this Vision from Theo Elsey
Firstly, the other two parts of this trio of visions may appear to have a focus on my own experience of what I see from the perspective of living here in the U.K. This is obviously seen concerning the vision of the Church of England but also in the vision of state control over charities. However, concerning the vision of Global Conservation I saw a consortium of Christian scientists from many countries across the world, not just here in Britain. Collectively I could see them in the vision praying over a significant scientific problem and stumbling block preventing progress in their work.
I once belonged to a church near Weybridge in Surrey, a stone's throw from London where many of the fellowship were civil and aeronautical engineers. I remember three testimonies given concerning a breakthrough where seemingly unsolvable issues were solved through the power of prayer. Each of these were concerning an absolute stand still situation where, all human design expertise could not find a solution. One was concerning the design of the world's first supersonic passenger aircraft the "Concord" a joint Anglo/French project with the British side of the operation based in Weybridge. Another project again in the aviation field was on the development of the first generation of super quiet jet engines, the research and development being based in Milan, Italy. The third was one of our own church leaders who as a design civil engineer faced mathematical problems in joining up two of the complex geodesic modules at the impressive Eden project in the West of England. All three projects saw breakthrough as a result of powerful prayer, the avionic design teams in England and Italy both had prayer groups at their work offices where prayer at the start of each day was a regular discipline. The testimony given for solving both of their respective problems came as a divine instruction of "Try this number" or "Try this equation". Relieved, but not surprised these avionic design teams witnessed God's hand at work. The mathematical problem for the design on the Eden Project structure was also successfully solved.
In all three of the above cases God intervened when there seemed to be no way forward. God's name was honoured by all involved. It is my prayer that when scientists in the years ahead come up against unsolvable problems in how best to preserve this planet, that they too will find answers through their faith in God.
Update by Theo Elsey 29/08/23
The closing paragraph in this vision is the most radical and for many will cross over into the realm of conspiracy theory. Normally, I am reluctant to post anything that comes even close to conspiracy theory but in this case, the words that came were not from my own thinking and understanding but on how the Lord's spirit moved me when I received this vision. In a spiritual state of shock I found myself crying out to the Lord "No, no, no", it was a tearful realisation of the truth of how opposing forces could frustrate the efforts of Christian charities as we near the end times. A conspiracy theory is just that, a theory until proved otherwise. God will not speak out to His prophets yarns of conspiracy theory as He is only truth. So, I state very strongly although appearing like the language used by conspiracy theorists, this is most definitely not but instead, a very severe warning that the secret society of Luciferians are very much at large, they are stooping to such levels to stop the advancement of worldwide Christianity. Their plans are for a New World Order (NWO) where there is just one monetary system in place and one pseudo religion, and most alarmingly a cull of much of the human race. The intended victims of their mass genocide would be all who will oppose their ideals, that's you and me and anyone who refuses to accept the number of the beast. This is not fantasy but truth and we are warned about this in the bible, it is a lurking danger and controlled Luciferian tests have already been implemented in part. What tests? well that is another topic to pick up on sometime, but sadly the citizenship of this world has already proved so trusting in the lies that are dished out that they follow like blind sheep.
A Disclaimer
I am in no way suggesting that any present government will implement such atrocities and therefore I am not criticising any current government leadership over these matters. Please remember this is concerning future governments and dictatorships that could possibly emerge as dangerous totalitarian regimes, we are talking about the warnings God is giving us now so we can pray for the protection of our countries, we have time to do this as the vision is set for a time period from 2030 onwards. In the vision I mentioned one example of a regulatory organisation for charities based in the UK, The Charity Commission for England and Wales. I doubt very much the good work of this organisation would allow itself to be overcome by forces that would oppose what it stands for. In the event of a totalitarian ruling government it would be more likely for the Charity Commission to be forced to close and its members (charities) would have to re-register under a new and completely ungodly governing body. Again, we are forewarned, pray now that this never, ever comes into being.