Using Wikipedia to pray for community leaders.
If you click on a place name from the tables in this months prayer calendar it will give you a link to the Wikipedia page for the same City, Town or Region. A search for local Government will often lead to lists of named members of Governing Bodies such as a City Council. This can make our prayer for geographic locations very direct and specific as we can pray for individuals by name who are in position of authority. Join Prayer Watch 33 by praying for these prominent people to have a positive input in all that they do in serving their community and country. And ..... most importantly, if they don't know our Lord let's pray for them to come into His presence in accepting God's greatest gift, Salvation in the name of Jesus.
In the fullness of time PrayerWatch 33 hopes to have a worldwide network of Christians who can connect with each through this website. It would be wonderful to link up with other Christian brothers and sisters across the globe, to socialise and share in prayer. I may well take an easier option just to get started sooner by simply starting a Facebook group, there are advantages as FB can translate written text into virtually any language.
Meanwhile, there is much that can be achieved in praying each month for the selected regions along the Earths lines of longitude 30 degrees at a time. Prayer Watch 33's progressive around the globe monthly prayer initiative can be thorough in reaching out to all nations throughout this year and every year until 2033.