Homepage Commentary
- Scriptures -

Mark 13:33   

Watch and pray is the command given by the Lord whilst in the company of just a few of His disciples on the mount of olives, namely Peter, James, John and Andrew. His teaching was concerning the "Signs of the end of this age" revealing a truth that is still to be realised concerning His return "coming in the clouds with great power and glory" (v:26). We may not know exactly when this is to be but we do know one thing, as when the Fig Tree sprouts it's leaves (v.28) then likewise we will know the season of Christ's return.

Mark 13:37   

This verse concludes the chapter on Jesus' teaching on how to watch and pray with the words "And what I say unto you I say unto all, watch".  The emphasis on all is my inclusion to bring to mind that this is far reaching for every generation to understand - for every tribe and nation WATCH!

Zechariah 8:22

The strong nations mentioned in this scripture are not to be seen as having strength in military or economic might but by having their strength grounded in the word of God. Some of the smallest nations today can be considered as the greatest because of their righteousness and faithfullness before God.

Part of Prayer Watch 33's work will be in monitoring early on the spiritual status of all nations. Having this data available will be a helpful resource in praying for the nations with most spiritual need.

Homepage Commentary
- 2022 to 2033 -

Why an 11 Year Prayer Plan?  
For the last few years now I have been guided to understsand the importance of the years from 2022 to 2033 as being highly significant. The Lord spoke through a series of Prophecies, Visions, Dreams and Scripture, initially I thought that the instruction I was receiving was specifically for the United Kingdom, but this was just the start. It was revealed to me just how wayward the societies of many nations have become. We, as believers should encourage each other to pray for all nations that have unrighteous laws and principals, poor governance and denial of Christ, to pray for a spiritual reversal, bringing enlightment and blessing in the name of Jesus.

In my visions I could see many countries being stripped of their arrogance and pride with formidable nations being brought to their knees in repentance. I believe from what I have been shown that the process of transformation from repentance to restoration will start in 2022 and span acoss an eleven year period to 2033.

In the same way as a repenting sinner learns the pattern of salvation through Jesus Christ, so the same sequence of transformation needs to be sought by leaders in the ruling governments of all nations. How else can a nation be on the shoulder of Christ (Isaiah 9:6) unless they honour Him? So what can we do about this? Our part is to pray for change, to pray for a whole new generation of trustworthy, honest politicians and leaders. We need to pray that they may stand by the word of God allowing the Nation or Country they represent to be counted among those strong nations that come before the Lord as mentioned in Zechariah 8:22  


The prophecies and visions I received in 2018 were all pointing to the year 2022 with a theme of transference of power. Here in the UK we have seen this come to pass with the full exit from Europe in the completion of Brexit. In 2022 we went through much political turmoil, never in the history of our Isles have we had three prime ministers within one year. In addition to this the passing of Queen Elizabeth II has led to a transference of sovereign power to KIng Charles the III. This process of transference of power is possibly not yet complete and still ongoing, there will be further changes I am sure in order for Britain to have leaders both Regal and political that are truely righteous, who's riches are displayed in Wisdom and not through hoards of monetary wealth.

The Interim Years 

These are the years for the church to repent and then to seek the Lord for His hand of restoration in building up God's people in number and strength. At this time of writing, a census has declared that Britain is no longer a Christian Country and that practising Christians are now a minority. The remnant true church will not die, we will continue to pray not just for our own children, but our children's children, for this is the generation that will find great favour with our Lord. They will have zeal and dersire to know Him, a generation eager to share the love of Jesus through evangelism and strong witness, to search out the word of God and preach to the ends of the earth.


Many of us above the age of 25 can remember the year 2,000 - The millenium year celebrating 2,000 years since the birth of Jesus. In 2033 the church will have another opportunity to commemorate a passing of 2,000 years, this time marking Christ's death at the cross, burial and resurrection. This should be a time of great witness to the unsaved, a time to reflect on what Christ went through for each and everyone of us in giving the gift of salvation to all who believe and confess in His name.

Churches and Christian organisations are already beginning to plan for the year 2033 and just as with the year 2,000 there are some who are predicting that the year 2033 will be the year of Christ's second coming. I personally can't see the rapture happening at this time, why? because we the church are just nowhere near ready. Also I need to consider a dream I received in November 2019 that had a very strong message for the church concerning the youth of our nations around the time of 2033. This will be the generation that will arise and be outspoken over the weaknesses of the society in which they were raised in. They will proclaim that this present generation has been wayward, exposing the ills of these times as being wholly unrighteous before God, The spirit of the Lord will be upon them, there will be amassing numbers of young people who will come to the Lord daily, yes this will be revival but much more than that, this will be the time of the long awaited and expected Great Awakening.

I invite you to join me in prayer for this to happen by 2033, and, if I am wrong let it be because prayer will increase to such an extent that it becomes a beautiful aroma of praise before the throne of God, that our Lord will bring this Great Awakening about even sooner. Praise God!